2022 Yearly Recap
Whew! I can’t believe that 2022 is over. I set some pretty high goals last year and worked my tail off to achieve them. Nope I didn’t reach the majority, but they gave me alot of motivation to keep learning. So here are a few things I learned from 2022.

Image Source: Zamora Sweatshirt
1. I can sew a lot and not get sick of it. I made 61 things. This was a range of baby shower gifts, clothing for my daughters, and mostly clothing for myself. As I have been developing patterns I have had to try alot of things. I really don’t like toiles (read about that here) so I made many many wearable toiles. A few thoughts on the number 61…61 makes is alot. I don’t think that number is sustainable for my sewjo or for the environment. However, I think it’s what I needed this year to learn and create new patterns.
2. I have 6 self drafted patterns that fit like a charm and just need instructions and grading to be released! I actually didn’t realize this until I took some time to review this past year. I knew I had a few that worked, but since I have been so focused on the Raida pattern I forgot I have so many other patterns in the lineup. One of those is the recently announced #taukojordanoveralls. but more on that later.

Image Source: The Foldline & Tauko Magazine
3. Pattern testing helped me learn so much. As a way to see all sides of the process I have signed up to pattern test for other designers this year. Not only does this help them, but it has really helped me see how to treat testers and how I would like to conduct testing when I release a pattern. Things learned? Be kind, generous, and provide a safe place for feedback.
4. Thrifting! Need I say more? At the beginning of the year I spent alot of money on very little fabric. Sadly I don’t even like most of the fabric I bought then because I was just buying what was locally available. I was too scared to buy stuff online so I began compromising on quality for the sake of having something to just sew. So, when my lovely neighbor introduced me to a local thrift shop that always has fabric, my life changed. Sounds dramatic I know, but now I can find really great fabric for an affordable price and I feel better about the environmental impact. Win Win.

Image Source: Raida Blouse Dress Hack
5. I didn’t release as many patterns as I thought I would (just the free one) but that’s ok. I didn’t realize how much I needed to learn, and I don’t want to sell a bad product.
6. I like wearing comfy natural fibers. I like color and some bold prints, but only if I have enough solids to balance it out.
7. I learned how to make digital patterns, and how to illustrate on illustrator. I might enjoy this as much as sewing.
8. Being creative and making the time has been great for my mental health.
9. I can do what I love and still be a present mama, my ultimate goal. 🤍